Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trichocereus Cuzcoensis 'Variegated' ~*

From Backebergs trichocereus Lexicon, T. cuzcoensis B. & R. (1)
Ba. erect, to 6 m h., densely branching, light green at first; Ri. 7—8, low, rounded; Ar. to only 1.5 cm apart; Sp. numerous, to 12, very stout, to 7cm long., thickened below, subulate, yellow; Fl. c. 14 cm long., white—Peru (Cuzco region).

Got this from I love the variegation, looks kickass. Has been a bit of a slow grower, but is coming along now. Should grow really interesting looking columns :)

26th, March, 2012 Update~* New pics. Looks like the pup coming from the base isn't going to be variegated. One of each is fine by me, love this plant :)

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