Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trichocereus Cuzcoensis 'Steve' ~*

From Backebergs Trichocereus Lexicon, T. cuzcoensis B. & R. (1)
Ba. erect, to 6 m h., densely branching, light green at first; Ri. 7—8, low, rounded; Ar. to only 1.5 cm apart; Sp. numerous, to 12, very stout, to 7cm long., thickened below, subulate, yellow; Fl. c. 14 cm long., white—Peru (Cuzco region).

Got this from an online vendor who sold it as a peruvianus despite knowing full well it is a cuzcoensis, typical of some dodgy pricks. They sell another "peruvianus" under the variant name "Gnosis" that is also very obviously a cuzcoensis. I find that extremely dishonest especially considering the proprieters vast knowledge of these plants, and it is obviously profit driven with cuzcoensis well known to be innactive. They no doubt sell very well under they popular peruvianus name as they are active cacti.. Have seen one persons 'Steve' plant display semi monstrose growth but that maybe the conditions. Would be cool if it did turn semi monstrose though. Despite it not being what it was sold to me as, it will still turn out to be an attractive cactus. ~*


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