Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sida Rhombifolia ~*

Perennial, woody, fibrous stemmed shrub, deeply rooted, grows up to 2m high with small green leaves, broad at base & tapering to a point, alternate 3-7cm long & fine hairs on both sides. Small orange, yellow flowers in clusters at end of branches or in forks of upper leaves. Pods have fine bristles breaking up into segments. Have had these about 3 months now. I've got them in part shade with afternoon sun. Seem to be reasnobly drought tolerant, havn't had any issues with them so far. Growing away happily. In Ayuvedic medicine it is used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, general debility and rheumatism. Expressed juice of the whole plant is useful in premature ejaculation. The juice obtained from the roots is applied to unhealthy sores. Decoction of the root bark is given in sciatica and rheumatism. Tonic, astringent, emollient and aphrodisiac. Has also been used for colds and flus. Can become a weed if allowed to escape. Interesting herb :)
19 March 2012. Update~* Flowers! :)

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