Monday, February 27, 2012

Trichocereus Uyupampensis 'KK 341' ~*

From Backebergs Trichocereus Lexicon, T. uyupampensis Backbg. (I)
Ba. prostrate to pendant, to 2 as long.; branches to c. 3.5cm 25; Ri. 9, flat, narrow, slightly raised around the small, light brown Ar.; Sp. 8—10, fine, irregularly directed, mostly 2—6 mm long., darker, pointing up and down; Fl. c. 16 em long., white, reddish outside.—S. Peru (Uyupampa, c. 3000 as). See also T. glaucus Ritt.

Another couple from Karol Knize, via an online vendor. May or may not be what they are supposed to be, you never know with Knizes plants they often do not match his pictures. Have been lumped in with Valida by some but I doubt that is the case, be interesting to compare them to my Valida clones as they grow. Supposed to end up being really fat, green cacti with big yellow spines, we'll see ~*

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